Looking forward to…

Toronto eastenders have a lot to look forward to in 2017 with regards to a resurgence of cultural and arts venues and events.  Now Magazine did a great article on what the residents east of the Don can look forward to in the coming months as their neighbourhoods come alive with restored venues and a vibrant art scene.  Check out what’s coming here


East of the Don

With the recent surge of glass towers popping up all over the city, it is comforting to know that while developers are staying current and meeting an ever-increasing demand for green technology and modern spaces, that the old is not forgotten in the process.  A great example of this, is the rebirth of the Romanesque Revival building, best known for many years,  as the home of  the somewhat unsavory establishment , Jilly’s,  into what promises to be an exciting new addition on the hotel scene in Toronto.  Located at Broadview and Queen,  The Broadview Hotel will open in 2017 after a respectful restoration and modern addition have been completed.  When it opens its doors, The hotel will house 58 boutique style  rooms, a street level café and a rooftop bar.

A much needed facelift at this vitally important gateway to many energetic east end neighbourhoods, all eyes are on the Broadview Hotel’s arrival as an architecturally significant and sound piece of Toronto’s story.

Click on the link below to watch Toronto Star reporter, Christopher Hume’s short video on this piece of Toronto’s history.
