Heritage designation vs the developer

As the city continues to feel the heat from the burgeoning issue of growth, developers and Heritage Toronto are not seeing eye-to-eye on the city’s latest attempt to quell unsanctioned demolitions of historic buildings.  In an effort to curb this unfavourable trend, the city has designated a further 94 properties as heritage buildings, thereby protecting them from obscurity – for the short time in any case.  To learn more on this story click HERE

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Homes for the Homeless

RESCON and St. Clare’s Multifaith Housing Society have teamed up to build 22 new residential units in Kensington Market to house the most vulnerable members of Toronto society.  This is not the Housing Society’s first move in this direction and while they met with resistance 15 years ago, the residents of Kensington Market are welcoming and open to the new plan.  Read the story at insidetoronto.com or click here.

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The Bentway – going a longer way.

The recent surge of revitalization projects that the city has undertaken seems to be snowballing in a favourable direction.  With an additional 500K being infused into the the Bentway Skating Trail by a local developer, the project has been extended to Bathurst street and is slated to open January 6th.  This will be a welcome addition to the downtown core and an added attraction for out of town visitors.  Read more from blog.To ‘s Lisa Power HERE

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How Green It Is

Toronto Council has voted in favour of proceeding with the planning stages of the rail-deck park to be built across the rail corridor from Bathurst to Blue Jays Way.  The long-standing debate on this ambitious project has been passionate on both sides, but in a recent council meeting the vote landed a 36-4 result in favour of the plan.  With an estimated price tag of $1.665 billion dollars, the intentions are to enhance Toronto’s reputation as a world-class city by offering a city centre green space that can be enjoyed by residents and tourists alike.   For more on this endeavor read HERE

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It’s time to get walking


Walk 21 (short for Walking in the 21st Century) hosted an international conference in Calgary last week on the unhealthiness of people and the planet, and what needs to be done to fight this epidemic.  It comes down to redesigning cities to be more people friendly and less automotive dependent.  Andre Picard writes a thought provoking article for the Globe and Mail which promotes the move towards cohesive work and residential communities.   It starts with city planners and developers making  commitments to mixed use developments that bring people together and lessen the present day drudgery of commuting between work environment and home.  Spending more time in the community and less time in a vehicle getting to and from, is a step in the right direction.  Click HERE for the story.

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T.O. 2022

An article by Jack Landau for urbantoronto.ca envisions what the Toronto skyline will look like in 2022 should all planned and under construction developments in the downtown core be approved and proceed to completion.  Read the full story HERE 

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Rising Above

The Globe and Mail published an interesting article by Marcus Gee on the rise of the “YIMBY” (Yes In My Back Yard), movement as it relates to urban sprawl and the near-critical need for the city of Toronto to allow developers to build upwards in residential communities.   While some residents (“NIMBY’s”, Not In My Back Yard), fight tirelessly to ensure their enclaves are protected from the construction of seemingly obtrusive hi-rise condominium or rental units, others are embracing the vertical footprint for the increased density and ability to affordably house the ever growing population searching for housing in the downtown core.  The YIMBY’s are banding together to support hi-rise construction in residential areas and are  bringing attention to the need to bring more housing into the core.  They recognize the ever growing urban sprawl which has an increasing number of commuters spending grueling hours on a daily commute as a result of unaffordable housing in the downtown neighbourhoods.  There are compelling points of view on both sides of the debate, to read more, click here

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The Expo for Design, Innovation and Technology (EDIT) will host its inaugural event from September 28 – October 8, 2017 at the home of the former Unilever Soap Factory.  The 50,000 sq. ft venue will host a wide range of events, demonstrations, installations and workshops showcasing sustainable development in every form.  Guest speakers  Dr. David Suzuki and Leslie Woo are  among a vast array of  personalities who will talk on global issues and the movement towards advancing the human condition.  For more information and to purchase tickets check out their website by clicking here

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The Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD), issued a press release this week announcing that condo sales in Toronto reached a record high in the month of June.  91% of all new houses sold were condominiums with only 9% of new sales attributed to low-rise single family homes.   Despite the resale market slowing down, the Province’s fair housing plan in effect since April, has had very little impact on new home sales.  To read the full report, click here

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